Most expensive bag of old bread

Publication Date: 
Tue, 2010-12-28 21:39

In some cases even savings get squirreled away in mattresses instead of bank accounts. What could possibly go wrong with that? 
According to a report in Tuesday’s Okaz daily, a Saudi housewife was doing some housecleaning when she tossed out an old bag of dried flat bread. It turns out that this bag was the hiding place for over SR100,000 in savings the woman’s husband had been depositing there. He figured nobody would look in a bag of stale bread for a treasure.
On the other hand, a bag of stale bread is also a very appropriate thing to toss into the dustbin. The police have been informed, but good luck finding the world’s most valuable bag of old bread. There may be, as you read this, a very happy garbage picker somewhere in Madinah.

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