Officials tour Jeddah’s flood-stricken areas

Publication Date: 
Fri, 2011-01-21 23:34

The team, which was constituted with Municipal Council Deputy Chairman Hasan Al-Zahrani, Councilman Bassam Akhdar, university representative Mahmoud Al-Douan, the Saudi Geological Survey’s Nasser Al-Saadi and a representative from the municipality, urged authorities to step up cleanup operations in the swamped Al-Rahmaniya and Al-Ajwad neighborhoods. The team was sent in response to the growing complaints of residents in the eastern and northern districts that were particularly affected by last week's deluges. 
The team started its six-hour tour from the east of the Haramain Expressway and visited Al-Rahmaniya, Al-Hamdaniya, Samir districts and Al-Ajwad 1, 2 and 3. They also examined the protective dam in Quwaizah before going to the Wadi Qaws and residential neighborhoods in Mathoub, Ghulail, Marikh, Umm Al-Khayr and Al-Raghama.
“We observed ground water flooding surfaces threatening the roads and house infrastructures in many places,” said Akhdar. “We have been convinced of the urgency the situation that demands swift action.”
“Long-term solutions are needed to protect the wadis and water courses by banning construction in those places,” said Nasser Al-Saadi of the Saudi Geological Survey.
He also stressed the need to strengthen the eroded foundations of old underpasses in order to guarantee the durability of the expressway.

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