But the performance never happened, and the circumstances surrounding the cancelation were as mysterious as the Purple One himself. Things started falling apart early Friday, when a statement of disappointment was sent by the foundation saying the concert was canceled. “It is our understanding that River Alexander Group, the event organizer, was unable to fund and produce the evening,” the statement said. “The organizer came to The Goss-Michael Foundation, invited us to be the beneficiary and receive some of the proceeds which would have gone to our high school scholarship program.” Then the statement was rescinded by the foundation shortly after that, with another saying the concert was back on: “Prince has arrived in Dallas and will perform this evening.” But the concert, recently moved from a tent in downtown Dallas to a hotel just north of the city, never materialized Friday night, and a source close to Prince, said the pop star never came to Dallas. Prince’s camp said the organizers never arranged for transportation for him and his band. Prince was also worried that the disorganization meant the organizers would not have the technical aspects necessary for him to put on his performance, the source said.