Local Press: Aren’t you sick of passing the blame?

Publication Date: 
Mon, 2011-02-28 01:14

It seems that nobody listens, understands or even attempts to do so. Even before the latest crisis, the pictures of these districts as published in local newspapers were pathetic and painful. They were a source of sadness for residents who sleep and awake to the sight and smell of stagnant water with no one there to their rescue. This was before the latest crisis. You can imagine what these areas must be like now after the floods.
What makes this tragedy worse are statements from the Jeddah municipality and the National Water Company, which have been blaming each other. Each one of them blames the other for the conditions that these districts find themselves in. They pass the ball to each other. It is obvious that the ball is of a very high quality, approved by FIFA. What makes me sure of its quality is that none of the two parties are sick of passing the ball.
None of the two parties have made any efforts to solve the problems currently faced by the people. A trick might be needed to drive the two concernmed agencies to do something about the pathetic situation in districts in the south and east of Jeddah.  We can tell these people that the governor of Makkah will visit these districts to assess the damage caused by the recent rains and floods. You will then immediately see water trucks pumping away stagnant water, filling ditches and potholes, and asphalting roads, especially since there is enough asphalt.
I appeal to the two parties to stop blaming each other and sit down to work as one. Unite your efforts and give hope to residents that you really do care for them. The residents are only concerned with actions and not words. They want to see results.
([email protected])

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