How to correct imbalances

Mariam Alireza, [email protected]
Publication Date: 
Wed, 2011-03-16 18:42

Our immune systems and the core of our bodies try to maintain an inner balance with a nutritious diet, moderate exercise and mental and emotional stability. Overeating in large quantities causes obesity, which in turn results in excesses, lethargy, immobility, inflammation, strained organs, low metabolism and disease. Under-eating, too, leads to undernourishment, which precipitates nutrient deficiencies, low energy and immunity, irritability, organ failures, depression and disease. Moreover, suboptimal quality and choices of foods invite myriads of inexplicable disorders and misery. How to maintain this delicate equilibrium and how you plan for it require attentiveness to the types of foods consumed.
The health state of the human body can be gauged by the pH balance of the blood. This scale has a range, starting from 0, which is extremely acid, to 14, which are very alkaline, making 7 neutral. This balance is seen in water, which is a neutral 7. Either end of the spectrum means a tipped balance, which results in physical, mental, or emotional disorder. However, the perfect pH level is a measure of 7.2 up to 7.4, which is more on the alkaline side and called a state of homeostasis. This desired median is a predictor of balanced health, energy and wellness, whereas both extremes lead to a selection of disorders and suffering.
When the pH level slips below the desired number, it is an indication that the blood has become more acid. What is the ramification of this imbalance on health? Because the blood is turning more acidic, the body starts drawing the minerals: Calcium, magnesium and potassium from the blood to maintain or regain the pH balance. When the amounts of alkalinity is not sufficient, the body starts pulling the minerals from the bones or other organs like the heart and the liver, hence damage occurs within. When the pH level is thrown off-balance, the protective microflora, “good” bacteria is diminished, setting the stage for acidosis; yeast infections and compromised immunity, which lead to autoimmune disorders and cancer.  That is when adequate nutrition is required to correct such discrepancies.
Because the diet is the most influential factor on the blood’s pH level, we shall discuss a balanced nutrition, which should consist of whole organic foods.  To detoxify from an acid condition, fresh organic vegetables should be the most important food category. Because they are the least acidic category of foods and contain very little carbohydrates, nutrient-dense produce should be consumed enough to detoxify the system. These are dark leafy greens  like parsley, cilantro, arugula, barley and wheat grasses, seaweed, mulukhia (a viscous Middle-Eastern green), spinach, kale and Swiss chard; root vegetables like beets, turnips and carrots; and the cruciferous family like cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts as well as asparagus, cucumber, squash, avocados, pumpkin, green beans, onions, garlic, chives, leeks, scallions, celery and artichokes. Starchy vegetables and roots are not welcome in this diet.
Though in the body they turn alkaline, fruits should still be consumed moderately as they are not recommended in an anti-acidic diet. The once favored apples, oranges, peaches, melons, cantaloupe, pineapple, grapefruit, papaya, raspberries and dates should be limited to one a day. However once the desired pH level is achieved, fruits can be enjoyed in normal portions of three or more a day. Legumes in general are not to be included except for lentils and chickpeas. Due to their high acid content, tomatoes and the nightshades family (eggplant, potatoes, sweet and hot peppers) should be avoided. They are contraindicated for acidic constitutions.
Fish, especially cold water fish like wild salmon, sardines and anchovies along with flaxseed oil containing omega-3 fatty acids balance acidity in the body and prevent inflammation. Extra virgin olive oil is very alkalizing to the body. Avocado and macadamia oils are also recommended.
Because refining and frying aggravate acidic conditions, refined vegetable oils are not suggested for the diet. Nuts and seeds in general are of a slight acidic nature except for almonds and pumpkin seeds. In small amounts, they should not be harmful, but peanuts should be excluded.
The herbs, parsley, dill, dandelion, chamomile, vervein and green and white tea; the seeds, cumin, fennel and anise; and the spices, turmeric, ginger and cinnamon are alkalizing and detoxifying, facilitating the balancing of pH levels.
Certain supplements are recommended for speeding the healing process and rebuilding a weakened immune system. Vitamins A, C and E are important along with zinc and selenium. A good multivitamin and purified omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids are also helpful for the condition.
Gluten-containing whole grains (wheat, rye, barley) are not favored in a balancing diet. The more detoxifying ones like quinoa, millet, buckwheat and amaranth are acceptable.  Refined grains and sugar should be avoided as they can aggravate acidic conditions.
Milk, cheese and other dairy products should be excluded. Goat’s milk, almond, soy and coconut milks and their products are good substitutes to cow’s milk. On the other hand, “live” culture yogurt is particularly suggested for the condition to replenish the intestinal microflora, which is usually wiped out by acidic imbalances.
Other acidic foods to eliminate are coffee, chocolate, dairy products, eggs, alcohol, sugar, desserts, pastries, refined carbohydrates, processed foods, artificial preservatives and sweeteners, soda drinks (due to high sugar and phosphorous), additives, trans fats, fried foods, saturated fats, excess salt, red and processed meat intake, condiments with excess salt, vinegar, soy sauce, mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup. Meat from hormone and antibiotic fed cattle and whose feedstock is sprayed with pesticides increase acidosis. All the above foods and chemicals exasperate the condition. On the other hand, free-range chicken and turkey can be consumed but moderately. Organic vinegar and unprocessed honey are acceptable in small amounts.
Other lifestyle practices, which can accelerate body equilibrium, are moderate activities such as brisk walking, swimming and cycling. Physical training should not be exhaustive and should not demand unusual exertion. Intense aerobic workouts and muscle-building repetitions increase lactic acid in muscle tissue, exasperating the acidic condition. It is wiser to take it easy in order to allow oxygen to permeate the muscles instead.
Therapeutic exercises like yoga and tai chi are recommended to control stress. With longterm stress, the blood becomes acidic due to exposure to stress hormones flooding it. Deep inhalations and exhalations assist in relaxing body and brain. Studies show that prayer and meditation give similar results. Massage produces soothing effects physically and mentally through the secretion of calming hormones.
To check out your pH level, make a test of the urine with a special strip found in pharmacies. Repeat the test several times a day to find your pH average. While 6 to 7 pH levels are still normal, 7.2 to 7.4 are within the ideal levels.  Any numbers below these are too acidic and any above are too alkaline. 
Prolonged acidosis can precipitate many unwelcome disorders detrimental to health. The blood becomes very acidic with the an inappropriate diet and large quantities of stress hormones lurking in the bloodstream, leading to inflammation, joint pains and chronic disorders as well as raise cancer risks. The condition can result in an impeded metabolism, obesity, heartburn, bone loss, chronic fatigue, impaired mental performance, Alzheimer’s disease, yeast infections, Candida, arthritis and cancer. It can also trigger autoimmune disorders like fibromyalgia, lupus, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Modern diets loaded with fat, fried, fatty, refined and processed foods, sugar-laden soda drinks, alcohol, dairy products and coffee are the underlying causes of acidosis and many chronic disorders that are disabling, leading to low productivity, high costs and dependence on powerful drugs.
Optimal health is all about balance. By achieving the desired pH level, you can live healthily ever after.


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