Fatima Anani, head of the conference, said girls attending the event will learn how to start their own projects or at least support nonprofit organizations. She added that the motto is an indication that youth projects still need to be developed and that they look forward to seeing the projects completed.
Laila Al-Nahdi, CEO of Izzaty Islamy, speaking at a press conference on Saturday, said the aim of her organization is to stress a sense of belonging to Islam rather than only enforcing Islamic deeds and obligations. “Islam for us is an issue that we devote our lives to. Islam is present in our volunteer work, jobs and education,” she added.
She said that projects that her organization undertakes are studied for eight weeks and approved after careful consideration. She added that the youth in different regions of Saudi Arabia and in neighboring countries have benefited from her group’s experiences.
Al-Nahdi said there are stringent rules in accepting girls to join her organization. She added that the girls have to be highly educated and cultured, and have a track record for participating in volunteer work.
“It is not easy to join the group. We had 280 hoping to join us, but we have only approved 27 of them. Prospective participants need to register online, read books, prepare presentations and come for interviews,” said Al-Nahdi.
Anani said that girls attending the event would be able to start their own projects or at least support nonprofit organizations.
Izzaty Islamy is a two-year-old group that sponsors monthly discussions and has conducted debate events at Jeddah’s Dar Al-Hekma College (for women) and the International Medical Center.