Arab uprisings top leaders' agenda at G-8

Associated Press
Publication Date: 
Thu, 2011-05-26 15:16

Obama says both countries will need help stabilizing and modernizing their economies as they attempt to transition to democracy. The G-8 leaders will hold a special session on Tunisia and Egypt during their two-day summit in Deauville.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is calling for effective measures to bolster emerging Arab democracy as well as improving global nuclear safety. Speaking in the German parliament Merkel said that leaders must help ensure that “the initial political progress is not endangered by economic instability.” Merkel also pointed to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as being able to help in reconstruction efforts as it has experience of  helping underpin the transition from communism in eastern Europe.
Merkel also says that “the G-8 must take a leading role in the improvement of nuclear safety” worldwide and that she will push for strict international checks on nuclear facilities.
Obama also will meet on the sidelines of the summit with several world leaders, including Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
Obama can expect questions about the NATO-led bombing campaign in Libya, the US troop drawdown in Afghanistan, his renewed push for Middle East peace and what steps the world’s leading economies are taking to recover from the global downturn.

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