“The recruitment agencies are working day and night to prepare the required documents for the registration and launch of the company over the next three months. The company is being established jointly by several recruitment agents because the Ministry of Labor wants it that way,” said Saad Al-Baddah, who is chairman of the new company’s founding committee.
Recruitment agencies in the Eastern Province, Jeddah, Qassim, Arar, Hail, Tabuk, Khafji and Jouf are partners in the company, Al-Baddah said.
“The company will be called ‘The Saudi Recruitment Co.,’ and will have 26 branches across the Kingdom,” he said.
The first meeting of the company’s partners will be held on Sunday, Al-Eqtisadiah daily reported on Monday.
“The company will supply a laborer, housemaid, or driver within half an hour after a company or individual places an order,” he said.
The company will open receiving centers where incoming workers and maids will be accommodated and provided training before they proceed to their places of work, he added.
The Labor Ministry announced last month its plans to replace the present labor recruiting agencies with large companies with a start-up capital of up to SR100 million.
The ministry stipulated that a recruitment company should be set up after the merger of a minimum of five existing recruitment agencies.
If the company intends to recruit domestic help from abroad only, it should have a minimum paidup capital of SR50 million according to the guidelines issued by the ministry.
If the company intends to offer recruitment services to the public and private sectors as well, its capital should be SR100 million according to the guidelines.
If recruitment agencies fail to launch at least five companies over the six-month period, other investors would be eligible to apply for a license, the guidelines said.
The ministry’s move aims at reducing violations involving expatriate workers’ rights and provide a better working environment for them in the Kingdom.