He said a special coordination meeting was held for the purpose Sunday evening with representatives of the Haj Ministry, the Red Crescent, the Health Affairs Department, the passport police, the private establishment for guides, the road security forces and other establishments involved in Haj services.
Al-Ayoubi said the transportation of sick pilgrims to Makkah would start Tuesday. He added that sick pilgrims who were able to ride in cars would be taken into ordinary buses, while those who were unable would be transported by ambulances.
Al-Ayoubi said the ambulances would travel in convoys and would be accompanied by representatives from a number of concerned government departments, including the road security and the passport police, to ensure their crossing of checkpoints.
He said the meeting asked the Department of Health Affairs in Madinah to prepare reports about all sick pilgrims confined to hospitals to decide who would travel in ordinary buses and who would need to go in ambulances. He added that the department was also asked to prepare necessary medicines and meals for every sick pilgrim.
Al-Ayoubi said an aircraft of the Saudi Red Crescent would be on alert to intervene in emergency cases while the sick pilgrims were transported to Makkah.
He said the foreign medical Haj missions were asked to arrange the transport of their sick pilgrims who were able to travel on their own. He added that the missions were clearly asked not to leave Madinah without making sure that Haj plans were made for the sick pilgrims.
The establishment of the private guides will provide Ihram clothes for all sick pilgrims and will also provide them with refreshments.