What the Qur'an teaches: Will they not reflect on their fate?

Publication Date: 
Thu, 2011-11-10 21:57

We commented last week on the first three of these verses which threaten every lying sinful person with painful and humiliating suffering. Now the surah tells us that such suffering is ready and close at hand. It may not be time for it yet, but it is nevertheless present: “Hell lurks behind them”. The phrase, ‘behind them,’ has connotations that are specifically intended. Since the suffering is ‘behind’ them, they do not see it and remain oblivious to it. Therefore, they do not try to avoid it. Yet it will surely engulf them. “All that they may have gained shall be of no avail whatsoever to them, nor shall any of those which they took for their protectors besides God.” Nothing that they might have done or gained is of any use to them. Even if some of their deeds are good, they cannot benefit from them because they have been scattered by the wind like dust. Their deeds were not founded on a solid basis of faith. Likewise, their possessions will be of no use to them. Nor can their deities, friends, supporters or soldiers offer them help or protection. Nor can they intercede on their behalf. “Grievous suffering awaits them.” Their punishment is not only humiliating, as fits their offense for mocking God’s revelations, it is also grievous to suit the magnitude of that offense.
This section concludes with a word that describes, in general terms, the true nature of God’s revelations and the punishment to be meted out to those who disbelieve them: “This is true guidance; those who reject their Lord’s revelations shall suffer abominable punishment.” It is a fact that this Qur’an is true and pure guidance that admits no error whatsoever. Therefore, anyone who denies its truth deserves such grievous suffering. The nature of the pain is described here as abominable, which serves to emphasize its description in the previous verses.
Once again the surah reminds them of the great favors and blessings God has given them in this world, so that their hearts may soften and reflect: “It is God who has subjected the sea for you, so that ships sail through it by His command, and that you may seek of His bounty, and that you give thanks. And He has subjected to you, as a gift from Himself, all that is in the heavens and on earth. In this there are signs for people who think.”
Man, an insignificant creature in this great universe, receives a large share of God’s care, which allows him to make use of greater creatures in the universe, benefiting by them in a variety of ways when he understands a part of the secret, divine law that controls all. Had man remained ignorant of this part of God’s law, he could not, weak as he is, have benefited by such great forces. He would not even be able to live with them, considering his small stature and strength compared with theirs.
The sea is one such huge force which God has subjected to man by revealing to him a portion of its secret make-up and qualities. Thus, man has been able to make ships sail through the huge oceans without fear of its strong waves: “so that ships sail through it by His command.”
It is God who has given the sea and the material from which ships are made their qualities and made atmospheric pressure, the speed of winds, earth’s gravity and other universal features in the way they are. Thus, they combine to allow ships to sail through the sea. God further guided man to understand all this and make use of it for his own benefit, whether it be by fishing, trade, gaining knowledge, or sports and pleasure: “And that you may seek of His bounty.” It behoves man, then, to turn to God in gratitude for all these favors: “And that you give thanks.” The Qur’an directs man to attend to this duty and to understand the close relationship between him and the universe. Everything has been originated by God and everything will ultimately return to Him.
Having specified the sea, the surah makes a general reference to God’s favors. He has made all the forces, potentials and blessings in the universe that have a bearing on man’s task on earth subservient to him: “And He has subjected to you, as a gift from Himself, all that is in the heavens and on earth.”
Everything in the universe is created by God. He controls it and determines its operation. Man, a small creature in the universe, is given the ability to understand a part of the laws of nature that operate, by God’s will, in this universe. This enables him to make use of powers and forces that are immeasurably greater than his own. Without God’s grace, he would not have been able to do so. In all this, there are signs to reflect upon: “In this there are signs for people who think.”

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