Young Saudi scientists show skills in Germany

Publication Date: 
Fri, 2011-11-18 01:43

The level of advancement made by Saudi students in sophisticated technologies has amazed young German scientists participating in the forum.
A presentation by Muhammad Al-Bakri, a master’s degree holder from the King Abdullah University for Science and Technology in nanotechnology for electromechanical applications, impressed the participants so much that the Hamburg University instantly invited him to read paper on his theories on control of pollution caused by hydrocarbon using nanotechnology.
He said his studies at the KAUST had helped him develop his research talent.
Meshari Al-Dousary, also a master’s degree holder of the KAUST, was another Saudi participant in the forum.
The forum also discussed topics such as coal based power generation, carbon capture, and architecture designs to reduce pollutions.
The youth delegation arrived in Berlin on Wednesday as part of bilateral meetings between Saudi and German youths, cultural dialogue and exchange of expertise in the area of environment and renewable energy.

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