British Council holding English Challenge competition

Publication Date: 
Mon, 2011-11-21 02:34

One hundred and fifty-five winners will be selected from 17 countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region for a range of valuable prizes. Participants only need to register on the British Council’s LearnEnglish website to take part in the competition.
The English Challenge is open to all learners of English and will end December 2011.
Through this competition, the British Council aims to help learners of English in the region develop the autonomy they need for improving their language skills outside the classroom.
The Arabic version of the LearnEnglish website, a free Internet-based service, was recently launched as part of the British Council’s English for the Future Program to help learners in the MENA region develop their English language skills.
 “Trying to improve your language skills by yourself is difficult but there is no reason why learners can’t achieve that with some ‘serious fun,’” said Director of English Middle East and North Africa, Nic Humphries.
The Arabic version of the LearnEnglish website, Humphries points out, will help learners in the region discover that there is a lot they can do themselves and learning like this can be enjoyable. Autonomous learning is an unfamiliar approach to learning in this part of the world but one that is going to be increasingly important in the coming decade.
“It is a challenge,” said Humphries.
But he believes that young people in the region are quickly learning that they can do almost anything now when they put their hearts and minds to it.

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