"For most people in the developing countries and
Africa, climate change is a matter of life and death," said the South
African leader as he formally opened a two-week conference with participants
from 191 countries and the European Union.
The conference is seeking ways to curb ever-rising emissions
of climate-changing pollution, which scientists said last week have reached
record levels of concentration in the atmosphere.
Seasoned nongovernment observers said the outcome of the
conference, which ends Dec. 9, is among the most unpredictable since the annual
all-nation meetings began following the conclusion in 1992 of the basic treaty
on climate change. "Everything seems to be fluid. Everything is in
play," said Tasneem Essop, of WWF International.
The main point of contention is whether industrial countries
will extend their commitments to further reduce carbon emissions after their
current commitments expire next year. Most wealthy countries have said their
agreement is conditional on developing countries like China, India and Brazil
accepting that they, too, must accept legally binding restrictions on their own
Zuma said Sudan's drought is partly responsible for tribal
wars there, and that drought and famine have driven people from their homes in
Somalia. Floods along the South African coast have cost people their homes and
jobs, he said.
"Change and solutions are always possible. In these
talks, states, parties, will need to look beyond their national interests to
find a solution for the common good and human benefit," he said.
The UN's top climate official, Christiana Figueres, said
future commitments by industrial countries to slash greenhouse gas emissions is
"the defining issue of this conference." But she said that is linked
to pledges that developing countries must make to join the fight against
climate change.
She quoted anti-apartheid legend and former President Nelson
Mandela: "It always seems impossible until it is done."