The strategy hands the Ministry of Transport the responsibility to develop the entire transport sector.
The strategy will help chalk out required plans for comprehensive development in the sector. The strategy also covers general policies and plans that aim to achieve an integrated transport sector marked with efficiency, effectiveness, safety and a healthy environment.
"The national transportation strategy aims to provide an integrated transport sector incorporating all modes of transport to keep pace with modern requirements including safety, efficiency, effectiveness and technological advancement. It will also encourage and boost economic growth and the competitiveness of the Kingdom on a global level in addition to providing a healthy and safe environment to the people," said a statement from the Ministry of the Transport said.
The national transportation strategy seeks to achieve the following goals.
• Competency and effectiveness that will guarantee continuous technical, economic and financial development in the transport sector.
• Support for social development by strengthening the Kingdom's economic growth and competitiveness in local, regional and international spheres. The strategy also aims to ensure citizens and expatriates easy access to transport services.
• Safe transportation by implementing measures to raise safety levels. The measures should reduce accident deaths and injuries and mitigate the severity of injuries from accidents besides bringing down economic and social losses resulting from accidents.
• Environment protection by checking the pollution caused by various modes of transportation. Steps will be taken to reduce or avoid pollution in addition to raising environmental awareness in society.
• Contribution to national security by providing a transport system that will facilitate the mobilization requirements of national defense and security besides dealing with logistic needs when natural and man-made disasters occur.
• Transportation during the Haj season and providing excellent networks to facilitate the massive transportation of pilgrims in a safe and effective manner.
The national strategy also spelled out policies that would serve as the guiding principles for activities in all areas covered by the strategy and also for all modes of transportation.
The policies include joint responsibility for the growth and development of the transport sector, decentralization and participation of the private sector, regional and international integration and participation in the global markets, and the comprehensive development and operation of transportation infrastructure.
The strategy also defines the work program for the measures to be taken and the required changes to achieve its vision and goals. The work program comprises 28 measures. The measures include development of transportation infrastructure, and aims to improve the efficiency of transport infrastructure with better integration of the planning process that supports the different modes of transport.
It will also strengthen the sector's commercialization and private sector participation providing competitiveness for the construction of transport infrastructure. The measures will also cover freight operations to help trade growth. It also aims to improve transportation operations in the Kingdom to facilitate greater international trade.
It will be achieved through the implementation of different transport systems and reduction of border crossing hassles and a greater transfer of tasks and responsibilities to regional and local departments and strengthening professional skills in addition to improving competition and opening up markets.
The measures will also cover passenger transport with the aim of introducing more development in the sector. It includes transport systems and services inside cities and more movement between various parts of the Kingdom with the help of aircraft, buses and railways and also involves studies on tourist transport.
The measures for pilgrim transportation will identify the needs for pilgrim transportation and support planning activities and logistic services during the Haj period. Infrastructure projects for the movement of pilgrims within and between cities will also be planned and executed.
The measures for transport safety include implementing and supporting institutionalized activities, capabilities and initiatives. As part of this program, regulations will be enforced and engineering and educational activities undertaken.
The environment protection program will strive to check pollution and health hazards caused by the transport sector. With this aim policies and statutes will be formulated and standards would be set in collaboration with the Presidency of Meteorology and Environmental Protection. Steps will also be taken to make various departments adhere to environment regulations.
As for the implementation of the new strategy, the basic and comprehensive action program for various departments of the sector will be defined. The programs will be executed with administrative and legal harmony and co-ordination. It will also be implemented under centralized monitoring and co-ordination. Strategic policies and programs will be periodically reviewed and updated.