US lays out 2012 foreign policy in an online press conference

Sultan Al-Tamimi | Arab News
Publication Date: 
Fri, 2012-01-27 20:08

LiveAtState is a Web-based press conference where a live video Web chat takes place between a personality and journalists and bloggers from around the world. During the discussion Sullivan covered a wide spectrum of his country’s international relations, particularly in light of developing events in the Middle East.
“There are fast-moving events that are sweeping the world, starting in the Middle East and North Africa but extending elsewhere as well. There are long-term global trends that are driving decisions and events all across the world from our own hemisphere to the Asia Pacific and elsewhere,” said Sullivan.
“2012 is going to be a very important year in foreign policy. There are a number of significant summits over the course of the year, including two that the United States will be hosting,” he said.
With regards to Iran, Sullivan said, “Our long-term goal with respect to Iran is quite straightforward in terms of how we state it.  It's not as straightforward in terms of getting there. It is to, ultimately — after Iran has fulfilled its obligations — welcome the people of Iran back into the international community as full participants. That is what the president and the secretary have said since the start of this Administration.”
With respect to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Sullivan said, “We are heartened by what we have seen over the course of the past few weeks with the Jordanian initiative to help broker direct face-to-face contacts between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, where they can sit and actually discuss the real issues of the conflict, starting with territory and security.” However on Hamas. Sullivan described the United States position a "very straightforward."
“We believe that Hamas needs to meet the three basic Quartet principles that should guide the future of peacemaking in the Middle East. That means, first, renouncing violence. Second, recognizing Israel and its right to exist. And it means, third, abiding by and declaring an unadorned intent to abide by past agreements and commitments made by the Palestinian leadership,” he said.
Sullivan refuted any links or claims that US foreign policy has affected the US position on policy toward Syria, stating  “Our position on Syria really has nothing to do with the elections that are occurring in the United States later this year, and it has everything to do with Bashar Assad’s continued brutality and violence and disregard for the dignity of his own people.”
Adding, Sullivan said, “As long as the Syrian government continues to use violence against its citizens, to put tanks into cities, to detain political prisoners, to deny access to international journalists who’d like to document the abuses happening there, the United States will work first and foremost with the Arab League but then with the broader international community to pressure this regime and to bring about a conclusion whereby Assad does the right thing and steps aside for the good of his country.”

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