Foster Wheeler awarded deal for propylene oxide unit in Jubail

Publication Date: 
Tue, 2012-02-14 01:40

This unit is located at Jubail Industrial City in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom.
This unit will be part of a world-scale, fully integrated chemicals complex, one of the largest of its kind in the world.
The complex will be constructed, owned and operated by Sadara Chemical Company (Sadara), a joint venture between Saudi Aramco and Dow.
This contract has been awarded as an extension to the front-end engineering design (FEED) contract awarded to Foster Wheeler by AOC and Dow in 2008.
The Foster Wheeler contract value for the project was not disclosed and will be included in the company’s fourth-quarter 2011 bookings.
The world-scale unit is expected to be completed during the first quarter of 2015.
“A key factor in this win was the outstanding Foster Wheeler performance delivered on previous work for Saudi Aramco and Dow,” said Umberto della Sala, chief operating officer of Foster Wheeler AG.
“First, we received an excellent performance rating from both clients for the significant FEED work that we carried out for the new Jubail complex,” said official.
The COO added: “Second, we recently completed a new propylene oxide facility in Thailand for the Dow-Siam Cement Group joint venture. The new facility was delivered by our Thailand operation on time, within budget, with an outstanding safety record and to very high quality standards. The PO unit of the Jubail project will be managed by our Thailand operation, bringing the additional benefit of rolling over the high-performing, experienced Thai PO project team onto the Jubail project.”
The official said: “We also continue to support Saudi Aramco and Dow by executing additional FEED work scopes and assisting in the management of various other elements of the overall Jubail project.”
Foster Wheeler AG is a global engineering and construction contractor and power equipment supplier delivering technically advanced, reliable facilities and equipment.

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