JEDDAH: The system failure of Musaned for more than a week has led to the blockage of 84,000 domestic recruitment operations. Domestic recruitment office owners said they were not able to enter their program accounts and so no new applications were registered. Similarly office owners were not able to follow up on their transactions, and were not able to enter new data or verify health and professional certificates. As a result, some 118,000 visas were rejected with pile up of violation penalties of SR300,000 until last week.
Chairman of the recruitment committee in the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce Yahya Hassan Al-Maqbool confirmed that the stoppage of Musaned was due to technical problems, adding that this is a major problem that must be fixed. Chairman of the Recruitment Offices Majed Alhagas said the stoppage has led to financial losses because of late recruitment and also a loss of confidence in the system. He called on the Labour Ministry to waive the financial penalties.
One recruitment office owner, who preferred anonymity said the the stoppage caused a lot of problems because the owners couldn’t enter their Musaned accounts, creating a backlog of 84,0000 cases, in addition to 118,000 visas stoppages, as well as the generation of violation penalties to the value of SR300,000, according to Almadinah.
Recruitment chaos after Musaned system failure
Recruitment chaos after Musaned system failure