Not so long ago Americans elected someone as their president, who avoided serving in Vietnam not because he was against the war but for his own safety and his deputy also was a draft dodger but this man called ‘George Bush’ lied to those who elected him and went to wars bankrupting his country.
Now, there is another person by the name ‘Mitt Romney’ eyeing the same position and there is no guarantee that he will not lie to take his country to many more wars to give his military contractor buddies more unlimited dollars from American tax payers’ money. Sometimes the voters who would elect him may excuse him for the mistake he is going to commit, if he is ever elected, because there is not a single war veteran in his family for five generations.
For politicians, lying is nobody’s business! I am now reminded of an old proverbial saying: "To be a successful politician you should be a successful liar. You should be able to promise something to the voters today and convince them tomorrow why you could not do it!" There is no doubt that Romney will fit into this role perfectly. God bless America. — S.H. Moulana, Riyadh
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