Two dead in Taif road accident

Two dead in Taif road accident
Updated 31 July 2012

Two dead in Taif road accident

Two dead in Taif road accident

Two pilgrims from Bangladesh died and six were injured in a road accident on Saturday near Taif while returning from Makkah after performing Umrah.
The dead were Qamrunnisa Alam, 35, wife of Kazi Musthaigis Billa, and 7-year-old Fatima, daughter of Mohammed Sultan. Both were pronounced dead at the scene.
Confirming the deaths, an official from the Bangladesh Consulate in Jeddah said his office released a “no-objection certificate” for burial in the Kingdom.
He said family members were making arrangements to have the funerals in Makkah.
Speaking to Arab News yesterday, Billa said he was driving his Prado Land Cruiser at 120 km and suddenly the vehicle turned left. He turned right to maintain balance but the vehicle overturned, resulting in the tragedy.
Two families, returning from Makkah were on the way to Alkhobar when the accident happened on the highway near Al-Moya, 200 km from Taif.
According to Billa, the injured have been released from the Al-Moya General Hospital.