Oz traffic rule drives Saudi students mad

Oz traffic rule drives Saudi students mad
Updated 25 July 2015

Oz traffic rule drives Saudi students mad

Oz traffic rule drives Saudi students mad

JEDDAH: Saudi scholarship students in Melbourne are going through tense moments as the city’s traffic department is set to start the process of calculating the traffic violations committed by motorists in the last three years.
The department has dashed off letters to all the motorists who do not have licenses to drive in Australia, stating that those who have reached “12 points” for traffic violations will be barred from driving in that country for three months, local media reported.
A number of Saudi students, particularly those who have reached 11 points, are reportedly trying their best not to “score” any more points by sincerely following the traffic rules, particularly the speed limit set by that country.
Interestingly, many Saudis are planning to teach their family members to drive in case their licenses are seized for violations.
According to Australian regulations, one must be 16 years old and undergo 120 hours of driving with a student license to be eligible for a license, the cost of which is 3,600 Australian dollars.