E-referrals to improve EP hospital working

E-referrals to improve EP hospital working
Updated 17 January 2013

E-referrals to improve EP hospital working

E-referrals to improve EP hospital working

Eastern Province government hospital managers have discussed a referral program between area hospitals and medical centers, computer networks, information systems and manpower in these hospitals.
Saleh Al-Salhi, director general of health affairs in the Eastern Province, chaired a meeting held at Jubail general hospital two days ago.
He said the e-referral program between hospitals aimed to reduce the referral duration, increase flexibility of cases between hospitals, shorten time between health facilities and reduce paperwork in procedure and cases, which would make it easier and faster to respond as well as to deal with referral cases.
Al-Salhi explained that the referral system was one of the Health Ministry’s integrative objectives to provide services, stressing on the need to use technology and computer systems to apply the e-referral program and to support area hospitals with manpower.
He said the meeting’s recommendations were to “emphasize linking the computer networks of all hospitals, activate the e-referral program and work to overcome the obstacles facing the system.” He pointed out that the activation of the referral program in primary health care centers had led to patients’ satisfaction.