Bitstrips: Create your own comic

Bitstrips: Create your own comic
Updated 03 September 2013

Bitstrips: Create your own comic

Bitstrips: Create your own comic

Apart from all the liking, commenting and sharing posts on the popular social networking sites, Facebook has recently been offering a creative passage too.
A new create-your-own-comic application called Bitstrips is popping up more and more on Facebook updates and has turned into something that everyone seems to be talking about.
Jacob Blackstock, chief executive and creative director of Bitstrips, explains that the app allows you to turn you and your friends into a cast of cartoon characters and then put those characters into crazy scenes.
You get to create an avatar of yourself with customizable facial features, hair and clothes. You get to choose from a hundred of pre-made scenes to put your character in. You also get to create avatars of your friends, or use their own avatars if they are also users of the Bitstrips app. After that come the captions, dialogues and thought balloons, allowing you to insert your own conversation into a comic strip.
Blackstock says that Bitstrips attract users between 18 and 24 years old, pointing out that the reason is the app’s flexibility.
The app not a game, says Blackstock. It’s a unique way to express yourself and interact with your friends.
“Instead of posting the same things as everyone else, you can create something that relates to your life,” says Blackstock.
You don’t necessarily have to be good at drawing to use the app. Bitstrips allows uncreative people to try their hand at something they really couldn’t do before.
Taha Mehmood, a 19-year-old high school student says that Bitstrips is his latest addiction.
“It lets me share my status update in a much more creative way. I get to tease my friends by creating comic strips and they respond by creating another. This has been a trend in my school over the past couple of months.”