Expat teachers await MoE test

Expat teachers await MoE test
Updated 19 September 2013

Expat teachers await MoE test

Expat teachers await MoE test

Several schools that have hired local female expat teachers on dependent visas indicated that the Ministry of Education did not notify them about the required qualification test for teachers.
The Ministry of Education recently stipulated that dependents of expatriates would only be allowed to work in schools after passing a qualification test run by the Ministry of Education.
“We haven’t been informed about a qualification test of any sort for the teachers in our school,” says Ahmed, an educator at Jeddah Knowledge School.
“I think there will be no need for such an attempt for our school, because a school of our reputation and standards has qualified teachers. Our school provides professional development training in order to meet whatever standards are set by the ministry, as well as international IB standards. All our teachers are qualified. Whether they come from abroad or are hired locally, they are given special training upon being hired.”
“I agree with the need that any employee should be qualified for undertaking their job,” says Ahmed. “In my case, for example, I have 20 years of experience in the field of education but I took my qualification test rather late. I began in the education field when there was a huge demand for teachers regardless of qualification. But now, I think it is important to pass through a qualification test in order to undertake their role effectively.”
Qualification tests have been applied in the Kingdom when hiring expatriate employees in professional fields. Teachers were recently included in this decision, but some schools remain unaware of the decision.
“In my opinion, it is not a bad idea to verify teacher’s competency by conducting a test. However, if the ministry is imposing a test on expat teachers only, then I am of the view that Saudi teachers should also be required to take a test,” said Razia Shakeel Alawi, a teacher at the Bangladesh International School in Jeddah.
“If the ministry’s motive in carrying out these test is Saudization, then they are not fair,” she added.