Najran marks World Water Day

Najran marks World Water Day
Updated 01 April 2014

Najran marks World Water Day

Najran marks World Water Day

The Water and Electricity Ministry in Najran Municipality celebrated World Water Day with the aim to spread awareness about the importance of water and electricity and also to highlight the ministry’s efforts in the provision of water resources and sustainable management.
Mohammed bin Hussein Al-Dawes, director general of the Ministry of Water in Najran, said that the statistics in the report of the Secretariat of Water Resources and the United Nations indicated that more than 1.4 billion people around the world are denied electricity and 780 million lack water resources. The report also stated that over 2.5 billion people do not have access to sanitation facilities and sewage networks.
“Water and electricity are vital to alleviating the suffering of those who are denied these basic amenities,” Al-Dawes said. “We should not only celebrate this day but also remember to work together and spread awareness about the seriousness of the scarcity of water and electricity in the world. We should encourage cooperation between government agencies and members of the community to improve the level of our water resources and conservation,” he said.
He pointed out that the rationalyzing of water resources was an important means to preserve them.
Faiz Al-Saloom, director of outreach, said that that many programs and activities have been undertaken in the Najran region that will help in understanding the importance of water and develop the behaviors of rationalization as a daily practice in the community.
He also said that if the responsibility was shared among all the government sectors and community groups the efforts to reduce water waste and rationalize consumption would really work. He requested everyone to preserve water as a religious duty, moral and national focus.