DUBAI: Sudan’s Foreign Ministry slammed a statement issued by the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry accusing Khartoum of serving the “interests of a third party” in the border crisis, state news SUNA reported on Saturday.
The Sudanese Foreign Ministry described the Ethiopian statement as a “betrayal to the history of Ethiopia’s relations with Sudan and a denial to the mutual relations between the people of the two countries,” the report said.
In condemning Sudan’s recent military actions, the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that “the Ethiopian government strongly believes that the conflict being trumpeted by the Sudanese government’s military wing could only serve the interests of a third party at the expense of the Sudanese people," the statement read.”
The Sudanese National Army “violated the basic principles of international law and peaceful settlements of disputes by unceremoniously invading Ethiopia” in early November 2020, the Ethiopian statement claimed.
Ethiopia stated that Sudan had “overturned and undermined” the efforts of the joint boundary committees that have been working to finalize the re-demarcation process for the border. Ethiopia also accused the Sudanese army of looting properties, burning camps, attacking and displacing thousands of Ethiopians and controlling vacated Ethiopian Military Camps.
In response, however, Sudan referred to the statement as “unfortunate” and “insulting”, and that it “betrayed the history of Ethiopia’s relations with Sudan.”
Sudan stated it was “keen” to continue and develop its relations with Ethiopia for the benefit of the citizens of the two countries and to “enter into future partnerships that contribute to achieving security, stability and economic growth.”
Sudan’s statement called on Ethiopia to take the available legal options, regionally and internationally, not to threaten the international security, affirming Sudan’s sovereignty over the land that Ethiopia claims sovereignty over.
Amid the escalating tensions between the two countries, the Sudanese Foreign Ministry said last week that it had summoned its ambassador to Ethiopia for consultations as tensions between the two neighbors had escalated in recent weeks over border disputes.
Sudan slams Ethiopia over ‘insulting’ border crisis statement
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Sudan slams Ethiopia over ‘insulting’ border crisis statement

- Sudanese foreign ministry: Ethiopian statement a “betrayal to the history of Ethiopia’s relations with Sudan”
- Ethiopia: Sudan had “overturned and undermined” efforts of joint boundary committees