quotes Looking towards the future on US Independence Day

04 July 2021
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Updated 04 July 2021

Looking towards the future on US Independence Day

It is with great pride that I share my warmest greetings with all our Saudi friends and partners on the United States’ Independence Day.
This year marks the 245th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence that established the United States of America as an independent nation, launching a journey to form a more perfect union among the several colonies that became the first of the now 50 states and several territories that comprise our country.
President Joe Biden stated that we have always been a forward-looking nation, one still striving toward this more perfect union. The direction that our founders charted 245 years ago, and the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, continue to guide the US and all of us Americans.
Usually, Americans commemorate Independence Day with gatherings of families, friends and entire communities. Sporting events, fireworks and other ceremonies are the highlights of this special day. While the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will still be felt during this year’s celebrations, all of us Americans — no matter where we find ourselves in the world on July 4 — will reflect on what it means to be citizens of the US, and on the many blessings in our lives.

In the eight decades of our bilateral partnership, the enduring people-to-people ties have been the strongest link between our two countries.

Martina Strong

Over the years, Americans and Saudis have taken great joy in celebrating together major milestones in our relationship, as well as our holidays. Saudis around the Kingdom have opened their homes and their hearts to us. In the US, Americans have done the same, welcoming hundreds of thousands of Saudis into our communities and families, sharing our hospitality and friendship.
In the eight decades of our bilateral partnership, these enduring people-to-people ties have been the strongest link between our two countries.
On behalf of the entire US Mission to Saudi Arabia, thank you for sharing this year’s celebration with us. Happy Independence Day.

• Martina Strong is the charge d’affaires of the US Embassy in Riyadh.