Top regional news channels on Twitter (based on number of followers)

BBC Arabic (8.4 mln)

BBC Arabic (8.4 mln)
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Updated 07 January 2022

BBC Arabic (8.4 mln)

BBC Arabic (8.4 mln)

Twitter followers: 8.4 million

BBC News Arabic, formerly BBC Arabic television, is a TV news channel broadcast to the Arab World by the BBC. Launched in 2008, BBC Arabic initially broadcast for 12 hours a day, and later became a 24-hour news channel in 2009. Run by the BBC World Service, BBC Arabic is funded from the British television license fee and features an Internet-based news service (available at BBC Arabic covers the Middle East through an extensive network of correspondents specializing in the affairs of the countries of the Arab world. While programs are often produced in London and Cairo, BBC Arabic has correspondents in significant locations in the region.