What We Are Reading Today: After the Ivory Tower Falls

What We Are Reading Today: After the Ivory Tower Falls
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Updated 04 August 2022

What We Are Reading Today: After the Ivory Tower Falls

What We Are Reading Today: After the Ivory Tower Falls

Author: Will Bunch

After the Ivory Tower Falls is the history of higher education in the US and how it became a polarizing, overwhelmingly expensive facet of society. 

In After the Ivory Tower Falls, award-winning journalist Will Bunch embarks on a deeply reported journey to the heart of the American dream.

The prose is tight, direct and often bracing.

“College was once for the few, then became a good for many, and is now a source of resentment and political division. Bunch’s well-researched and well written book examines that question in depth. And discusses some possible solutions,” said a review on Goodreads.com.

“His journalistic skills serve him well in presenting what could be a rather dry recitation of facts as a fascinating story.”

Kevin Carey said in a review for The New York Times: “The final chapters bring past and present together into a single argument: That the ‘college problem’ is under-appreciated as a major driver — perhaps the major driver — of the miles-deep chasm dividing Americans by class, culture, geography and ideology.”