Q. One day as we were offering Taraweeh prayers, a group of latecomers started another congregational prayer, offering the obligatory prayer of Isha. The Imam told them that they should have joined him with their own separate intention, and completed their prayer after he has finished his two rakaahs. A few days later, some latecomers started a congregational prayer immediately after the imam had finished his obligatory prayer. They were still offering Isha when he started his congregational Taraweeh prayer. How is this possible?
M. Ahmad, Abqaiq
A. It is not possible. What the imam said to the first group is correct. They should have joined him, making their intention to offer their obligatory Isha prayer, while he did his Taraweeh. The difference in intention does not affect the validity of the prayer of either imam or followers.
On the second occasion, both the imam and the latecomers were wrong. They should not have started their congregation without his permission. Had they sought such permission, he would have told them to join him when he started Taraweeh. Most probably he considered their congregational prayer to be invalid because they did not seek his permission before starting it. That is the only way to explain his behavior. However, even if he considered it invalid, he should not have started his congregation. He should have waited until they had finished.
Zakah for relatives, etc.
Q.1. Is it permissible to pay zakah to relatives, including brothers and sisters? How much zakah should a person pay if he has funds amounting to 17,000 riyals, a plot of land worth 20,000, which he intends to sell, and his wife’s jewelry? What is the difference between zakah and fitrah?
Q.2. Is it permissible to use aftershave, perfume and toothpaste during the day of fasting?
S. Alam, Riyadh
A.1. Paying zakah to relatives who are poor is not only permissible, but also preferable. It counts as a double act of kindness. However, zakah may not be paid to poor relatives who are entitled to be supported by the zakah payer, such as his parents, wife and children. Since one is required to support these when they are poor, one may not pay them any zakah, because he would be paying it to himself. However, when he supports them, his zakah liability is bound to be less.
Zakah is normally calculated at the rate of 2.5 percent, except for special types of assets. Therefore, this person pays a total of 925 riyals: 425 for his savings and 500 for the land, if its value on the day of his zakah payment is still the same. If it has appreciated, his zakah goes up. His wife’s jewelry is not zakahable if it is for her personal use. The fitrah is another name for zakah Al-Fitr, which is a special kind of zakah, payable at the end of Ramadan and before the Eid prayer. It is a small amount, but payable for everyone of one’s family, adult or child, even an infant born a few minutes before the Eid prayer. It is payable by every Muslim who has more than what he needs for food for the day and night of the Eid. Zakah, on the other hand, is liable on people who own more than the threshold of zakah, which is the equivalent of the value of 85 grams of gold.
A.2. The use of perfumes, including aftershave, is permissible during the day of fasting. The same is the case with a toothbrush or miswak, but toothpaste should be avoided, because it may very easily be swallowed.