It is presumed that the United States is a free society with all freedoms. Not necessarily.
One of the freedoms they do not have is the freedom of information. But they have the freedom of speech. Any American can curse, abuse or say anything about their president or government officials. They can also - ordinary Americans as well as senators and governors — abuse anyone around the world without the slightest respect to their own or anybody else’s standing in their country.
But the American people are not allowed to hear or see what is happening around the world. They cannot see the pain their proxies are causing or hear the cries of victims for help and understanding. It is a total blackout. There is no TV station showing anything about the world outside the US. The massacres of Palestinian women and children or the demolition of their homes are not shown on any American TV, or printed in newspapers. It is a total censorship so far as the news of the Middle East, Asia or even Europe is concerned. There is no world outside the US. The US media impose full restrictions, curtailment and full censorship on all the news coming into the US.
For example, in our countries, as in most of the world we can, and do, watch tens of TV stations that give local, regional and international news, programs and shows of all kinds. In the US, this is a “no no”. The American people are programmed through their media to be ignorant of, and arrogant toward, the peoples and nations outside the US. They cannot share the happiness and sorrow of others. They are programmed to impose their own thinking and superiority on the world.
It is difficult to get newspapers from outside the US. Foreign TV stations do not reach the American people. Zionism, which controls most, if not all, of the US media, through Jewish ownership, majority shares, editorship, talk show hosts, TV program presenters etc., has a stranglehold on their minds. The people in the US see only what their media show, and listen only to what their media answer and read only what their newspapers and magazines point.
I feel that if the American people had seen the sufferings inflicted on Palestinian children, women and men by the Jews supported, bankrolled and protected by them, they would have made their leaders and government interfere. In that case, the WTC and Pentagon tragedies would have been averted.
A few days after Sept. 11, I visited a friend living in the United States. He had a dish antenna that showed TV satellite stations. There I watched a press conference with President Hosni Mubarak carried by CNN, being shown on the Egyptian TV in conjunction with CNN. The press conference was also being translated immediately in Arabic for the Arab world while he was speaking in English. I wanted to hear the conference in its original - in English without the interference of translation. I was surprised to find that it was not being shown on CNN or any other TV station. Later, I did not see even any reference to this conference of the head of state of a major Arab country in any TV program.
I hope some day this curtain of blackout would be removed and the American people would be able to see the world clearly and would not stay ignorant of others. They should be able to watch and see other country’s TV and be able to read foreign press freely and at low cost.
It would mean, for the Americans, freedom from their Jewish-controlled media.