...There is no principled difference between Peace Now and the ultra-nationalists. Both are supporters and advocates of a Jewish State.
If this is what they are, they both must regard the Palestinians as their enemies. The difference is that whereas Ariel Sharon and the assassinated minister Ze'evi (nicknamed Gandhi) wanted to get rid of all the Palestinians, either by killing or transporting them elsewhere, the Peace people are willing to push them into the enclaves of Gaza and the Bantustans of it back. So I am secure in my spoils. Why should I endanger myself for a house in Nablus or in Gaza for a Russian or for another Jewish immigrant? That ought to be his headache.
I want to enjoy my booty now. I want peace NOW!
I know this sounds rude and even brutal. Here we have people with a pure soul, and now, not only are Kahane and Ghandi spitting on them, here comes Shimon Tzabar whom we once regarded as an honest Israeli and he gives us a kick in the ass. "How can he say I have spoils and booty? I don't have a house in Jaffa. I saved money by withholding food from my children in order to buy an apartment in a new neighborhood at Ein Kareem. Is that booty? Is that spoils of war? I am against killing children and I demonstrate for Peace Bloc. How can you regard me as a child murderer?"
What can we do? When a Jew is not killing an Arab with his own hands, he considers himself as a saint of Israel". The Land of Israel was never an uninhabited desert without people. If it were, there was no need to conquer it militarily. The mere fact that we had to conquer it in 1948 is the best proof that it was inhabited. We conquered it militarily, expelled some of its inhabitants and settled in their place the Jews we loved so much. But there is a price to pay. When you expel people, they do not like it. You must hit, kill and if they hit back or kill in return, and you, your son or your daughter may also get killed. And then you must enact a wicked and discriminatory legislation and force your judges to pervert the law. You must pursue two forms of logic which would serve two sets of morals, one for you and one for them. True, the method is not new; it is as old as history itself. Many States and Empires were established in such a way, including some of the most prestigious. But this was before we beings. The process is not at all complicated and it is possible to implement it in a few simple steps.
Step 1: Formally annex all the Occupied Territories to the State of Israel.
Step 2: All who live in this territory will get the same civil and democratic rights.
Step 3: New elections. The new Parliament will draw a constitution. The constitution should ensure not only the rights of the majority but also those of the minority. This would be a good opportunity to bring back and resettle the Palestinian refugees. Such a Parliament can also decide the name of the country and its flag.
Don't ask me if the Palestinians will accept this proposal. First we must offer it to them and see. And if you accuse me of not caring for the Jewish people, my answer is that I stopped caring for the Jewish people ever since I realized that it had stopped caring for itself.