JEDDAH, 19 May 2003 — In rather less time than it takes to read this sentence, dozens of lives ended, scores of people were injured and a state shaken to its foundations. Saudi Arabia has joined that unhappy band of brothers, victims of a major terrorist attack.
The attack on Khobar Towers a decade ago was directed at the US. This attack surely was directed at Saudi Arabia. The US forces are leaving the Kingdom and are becoming less of a target. But US-Saudi ties are still strong, and someone doesn’t like it. This is the result.
Monday night could well prove to be as significant in modern Saudi history as the Sept. 11 incident has become in US history. 5/12 doesn’t have the snappy sports-car glitz of the number 9/11, but to reduce either incident to easy numbers rather hides their horror and significance.
The truth is that the vulnerability of a state, in this case Saudi Arabia, but equally any state, to a few kilos of high explosive and determined men was exposed for the world to shudder at once again. It won’t encourage the severance of Saudi-US ties, but now they are co-victims of attacks and share a commonality of victim status, it will simply strengthen them.
So perhaps the reaction of the US government to pull out all but emergency staff at their missions is entirely the wrong reaction. After all, this sends the message that the attackers will want to hear — “we’re leaving.” Do that, and they have won, they have the controlling hand, trumps in Semtex. The attack was carried out in classic style; soft target, minimal security and maximum publicity. To attack a military or government target directly is less productive.
Every state requires a great deal of money to maintain itself and its stability. If the cash flow ceases, destabilization of the government through decline in public services and public order follows. Kick away the financial foundations and the whole house of card tumbles. Attack and scare away the people who come to the Kingdom to make and create money, and you are well on your way to destabilization.
Now is the time for a campaign of transparency and honesty. Many countries around the world have terrorist groups who want to destabilize regimes, impose their views and standards on sovereign states. The first weapon in the armory of any state that intends to counter the threat is admitting that there is one.
Never again will terrorist activity be something other people have to be put up with. It’s here, it’s real and the whole world knows it. Terrorism is global. Thus to withdraw from an area because of terrorist threat is simply shuffling the deckchairs on the Titanic; you’re going to achieve nothing. That action sends the wrong message to the terrorist and the people who do not or cannot leave. To the terrorist, it sends encouragement that they are having an effect.