Agriculture is a sensitive issue in this country. Although the Kingdom is largely desert, its people are historically tied to the land and feel an attachment to agriculture. These feelings are especially strong in an oasis in the middle of the desert. Despite harsh weather, the scarcity of water and primitive agricultural tools, local people have adapted and even created an ecological balance that has allowed life to flourish for centuries in those areas.
The topography and climate of a country like Saudi Arabia allows the certain types of crops and vegetation to grow and be cultivated. It is little wonder that the palm tree remains the dominant plant, providing many of the requirements people need for survival. Some say that a scarcity of water should not be an obstacle to the development and expansion of the agricultural sector.
Agriculture still plays an important role in people’s lives and is a primary source of income for many, especially those who have invested heavily in the sector. Any attempt to reduce dependence on the sector will cause problems for those involved in whatever way in agriculture. Many will seek compensation for any losses they incur; yet alternate means should be sought to ensure integrated development where the development of one sector will not be at the expense of scarce natural resources.
No one is calling for ceasing agricultural activity in the country since the sector can still play an important role in the national economy and provide an income for many. We must, however, realize that the circumstances and conditions that allowed certain crops to be grown in the past have now changed. Cultivating those crops led to unncessary depletion of our already limited water resources and the rationale for their cultivation must be carefully reviewed. Forests cannot be created in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, nor can a vegetation cover matching that in tropical regions be created here. Still, we can choose from many crops and different kinds of vegetation that suit the local conditions and environment. Our ancestors did this and built a life centered on the palm tree as well as on other types of plants.
The world overflows with plants and crops that suit our environment. One that does so is the olive tree, now successfully grown in the northern areas of Jouf and Hail as well as in other parts of the Kingdom. As a cash crop olives are economically feasible and cost-effective since they require very little water.
We need to do more intelligent thinking when it comes to using water for agricultural purposes. The creation of a separate Ministry of Water after the precious commodity came under the Ministry of Agriculture is a welcome step. What would be the wisest course for us is not to cut down on agricultural activity but to learn how to manage available resources and harness the local environment to ensure a balanced ecological system.
Arab News From the Local Press 15 June 2003