It is clear, when we think about the state of the world today, that the human community is in danger.
International relations have become militarized at the expense of the culture of dialogue and peace. That is threatening our dream of a global village of mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence.
The idea that there is a clash of civilizations is gaining ground over people’s hope for security, stability, and growth.
The relationship between our resources and the way we use them is being distorted, a process against which US President Roosevelt warned when he suggested that what matters for a great nation is not what it has but how it uses what it has. It is with regard to these dangers to civilization that the message of Islam, brought to all mankind 1,400 years ago, is once again of great topical importance. “O mankind,” the Qur’an says, “compete in good deeds.” That great Qur’anic text calls on all people to outdo one another in doing good, because that sends a stronger message of the truth than what we preach. Only Allah has the final word on what is true and what is not.
Islam has given us seven pillars on which to found a just world. They were announced by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the day he stood on a rock in Arafat during his last pilgrimage:
1. “O people! Your Lord is one,” he said, reaffirming the oneness of God.
2. “O people! Your father is one,” he said, reaffirming the oneness of the human family.
3. “O people! Your blood and property are sacrosanct among you,” he said, reaffirming the sacredness of human life and belongings.
4. “O people! Allah has ordained that there shall be no usury,” he said, stressing economic security.
5. “O people! The numbers of the months under Allah are twelve. War is forbidden in four of them.” That stresses the respect for time and the sacredness of security, peace, and safety of the environment.
6. “O people! Take care of women. Know that they have rights upon you, and you have rights upon them.” This reaffirms the importance of the woman’s role as a full partner with man in shouldering life’s responsibilities.
7. “O people! Allah has forbidden injustice to Himself and He has forbidden it among you: Do not commit injustice against each other.” Here he shows that justice is the foundation of every virtue and guarantees the security of people and countries.
These seven pillars are Islam’s gift to human communities as the basis of a just world order. It is on them that cooperation and competition in good deeds can be built.
— Dr. Hamid A. Al-Rifaie is president of the International Islamic Forum for Dialogue.