Q. What is recommended to be said or recited when passing by a graveyard, particularly if it is a graveyard of non-Muslims?
Z. Khader
A. The Prophet, peace be upon him, recommended us to visit graveyards because such a visit reminds us of the hereafter. It certainly reminds us of our situation after death and how every human being ends up in a dark hole, leaving behind power, wealth, friends, offspring and family. This reminder is generated by any graveyard, whether used for the dead of the Muslim community or non-Muslims. When we visit a Muslim graveyard, we should greet its dwellers with the normal greeting of peace, saying: “Assalamu alaikum to the dwelling place of people who were believers. You went ahead and we will be following you.” We pray for the forgiveness of the dead and that God may bestow His grace and mercy on them. If the graveyard is used for non-Muslims, we should show true respect. Once a funeral passed by the Prophet when he was seated. He stood up in respect. He was told by someone that the dead person was a Jew. The Prophet said: “Is it not the funeral of a human being?” However, we are not allowed to pray for the forgiveness of unbelievers. The Prophet said that he sought God’s permission to pray for forgiveness of his own mother but God did not give him that permission. However, we know that God is merciful to all His creation and we believe that He will not be unjust to anyone either in this life or in the life to come. He says in the Qur’an: “Your Lord does not deal unjustly with anyone.” (18: 49) Therefore, we say and recite anything that reminds us of death and the hereafter, praying God for mercy to all.