Education Day Function

Staff Writer
Publication Date: 
Mon, 2004-05-31 03:00

JEDDAH, 31 May 2004 - A Jeddah-based literary and cultural organization has decided to organize the National Education Day, dedicated to the memory of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, first education minister of India, on Thursday at Hotel Trident.

Noted journalist and NDTV Managing Editor Rajdeep Sardesai will deliver the keynote address on the occasion. A senior editor of the Indian Express, Sagarika Ghosh, will be the guest of honor. Indian Ambassador Kamaluddin Ahmad will be the chief guest and Consul General Syed Akbaruddin will preside over the function.

One of the highlights of the evening will be the question-answer session on the current sociopolitical situation in India in which Sardesai and Ghosh will answer questions.

Entry is through invitation cards, which can be obtained from Jamal Quadri (0504664130, 6751649 and Nayeemullah Shareef (0508510293, 6527656).

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