The new film “Oddity” is aptly titled. The film opened in July in the US and started showing in August at Saudi cinemas.
It tells the story of Dani, the wife of a psychiatrist, who is brutally murdered in her home. Her twin sister Darcy goes after those responsible by using haunted items as her tools for revenge.
Winner of the 2024 Audience Award in the Midnighter section of the South by Southwest Film and TV Festival, it is clear to see why it received such acclaim as it has love, loss and a little bit of magic.
Little Willie John’s soulful R&B hit “Now You Know,” from 1958, plays throughout the film, fusing the sad nostalgic vibes of the emotional lyrics to the uneasy viewing experience. Both the film and the song express heartache and betrayal.
Gwilym Lee, who played guitarist Brian May in the 2018 Queen biopic “Bohemian Rhapsody,” is great in his role as Dr. Ted Timmis. Carolyn Bracken is excellent as the dark-haired Dani, and her twin, Darcy.
Lush cinematography, courtesy of Colm Hogan, and the gorgeous Irish landscape provide the perfect backdrop to this eerie indoor narrative. Every frame feels like it could be a still photo — a true work of art.
The film was written and directed by Damian McCarthy.
It is in the paranormal horror genre, so expect the unexpected. Packages mysteriously arrive at the house and contain so much wonder within. But be warned: there is a lot of blood.
The film made me uncomfortable at times, but given the genre, that feeling provides the highest compliment to the filmmaker.