Founded in 1985, the Arab American Institute (AAI) is a nonprofit membership organization committed to the civic and political empowerment of Americans of Arab descent. AAI ( is based in Washington, D.C. and represents the policy and community interests of Arab Americans throughout the United States. The group focuses on two areas: Campaigns and elections, and policy formulation and research.
AAI’s domestic agenda includes promoting immigrant rights, community-based social services, educational materials and media that accurately reflect Arab Americans and their heritage, and the full benefits of citizenship for all Arab Americans.
Internationally, AAI believes that the US should enhance its ties with Arab countries in all fields: Cultural, educational, diplomatic, economic and security. AAI supports a viable Palestinian state, the integrity of Lebanon, US assistance to advance economic and political development in the region and a balanced US role in promoting regional peace and prosperity.
AAI works extensively through the media. AAI President James Zogby writes a weekly column, “Washington Watch,” that is published in more than a dozen Arab newspapers and reprinted widely in Arab American publications. His weekly cable television interview show, “Viewpoint,” is carried worldwide by Abu Dhabi Television and other outlets.
AAI is now ready to help directly grow media resources. The Arab American Institute Foundation, affiliated with AAI, has launched the Al-Muammar Scholarships for Journalism, the most generous scholarship program of its kind offered to Arab American students.
Beginning in 2006, up to four scholarship grants, valued at $5,000 each, will be awarded to eligible Arab American college students who are majoring in journalism, as well as college seniors who have been accepted to a graduate journalism school. Awardees will be selected by a panel of judges drawn from the print and broadcast media in the United States. The initial scholarships will be for the 2006-2007 academic year.