MAKKAH, 16 February 2007 — In a unique sting operation involving police from both Makkah and Madinah, a Nigerian black magician was arrested here yesterday.
According to police, the sorcerer, thought to be one of the most dangerous in the Kingdom, claimed he could locate hidden treasures from the ground, provide unhappy people with happiness and increase sums of money through the mere touch of his hand.
Officers received reports that a Nigerian man called Sheikh Zubair was practicing black magic. Reports stated that the man was charging people SR10,000 for a single spell and that he would travel the Kingdom practicing his dark art.
Secret police were able to locate the man in Madinah and laid a shrewd plan to arrest him red-handed. An officer telephoned Sheikh Zubair pretending to want a quick way to become rich. “The officer told Sheikh Zubair that he had heard of his excellent magic powers and that he would pay him anything to use his magic for his personal benefit. He also told him to put a spell on his first wife because she objected to him taking a second wife,” said a police source.
“Sheikh Zubair comforted the officer and told him he would do everything he wants him to do. The officer told Sheikh Zubair that he would even provide him with housing in Makkah if he chose to come,” the police source added.
Subsequently, the magician said he would inform the officer of his date of arrival. Police officers did not call the man to avoid making him suspicious and after three days the sorcerer contacted the undercover policeman to say he was coming to Makkah.
Sheikh Zubair and his assistant met the undercover policeman just outside Makkah. The officer then took both men to a house where police were lying in wait. “He promised the officer that he would make his first wife go to his second wife and ask her hand in marriage. He even told him that he would help him find treasure worth half a million riyals hidden underneath his house. For the services he demanded SR10,000,” said the police source.
Inside the house, the magician began taking out his equipment and papers with strange writing on them. “As soon as he began his spells, police moved in and arrested him,” said the police source, adding that the two magicians did not even have valid residence permits.
Arab News spoke to Sheikh Zubair who admitted he was dabbling in magic. “I’ve earned a lot of money in Saudi Arabia. There are enough idiots here to trick and make money from,” he said, adding that he has earned over SR400,000 from practicing black magic in the Kingdom.