MAKKAH, 20 August 2007 — Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, governor of Makkah, yesterday stressed the role of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice as an official organ in making people adhere to true Islamic values, the Saudi Press Agency reported. The prince was speaking durimg a visit to the commission’s headquarters in Makkah.
Addressing commission members, Prince Khaled said, “The Kingdom, Islam and Muslims have faced various challenges from different corners of the world and attempts are being made to abuse the spirit and basic tenets of Islam.”
He pointed out that Islam spread throughout the world by virtue of its basic values.
While commending members of the commission for exhibiting a mature and balanced character, the governor reminded them of “some errors that were committed by people who have intruded into the ranks of the commission and who were never its members. Such matters could be rectified. This fact will not, however, affect the principle or the method adopted by the Kingdom as regards promoting virtue and preventing vice.”