Annapolis Should Lead to a Hamas Rethinking

Walid M. Awad, Arab News
Publication Date: 
Sat, 2007-12-01 03:00

While not sure of its significance, it was noticed that the limousine carrying President Mahmoud Abbas pulling into the front gate of the White House did not have the Palestinian or the American flag hoisted at its front sides. The limousine carrying Israel’s prime minister to the White House later on the same day carried the Israeli and American flags. The American administration must have an explanation for this, and we would like to hear it.

On his way back from Annapolis to Tel Aviv Wednesday, Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert briefed journalists and gave, in my opinion, a landmark interview to Haaretz newspaper in which he said: “Two-state solution, or Israel is finished.” This is a very strong statement, conditioning the long— term existence of Israel to the establishment of a Palestinian state

For his part, President Abbas said that the Annapolis conference put the carriage of the Palestinian state on the rail track; it will soon reach its destination, and become an established fact.

Abbas’ strong convictions would not have been expressed in this manner, had it not been for the assurances made by President Bush in the White House Rose Garden.

Bush said: “We will use our power to help you (Olmert and Abbas) as you come up with the necessary decisions to lay out a Palestinian state that will live side by side in peace with Israel.”

It has never been the case where all necessary elements are put together by those who matter in order to achieve the goal of establishing a viable Palestinian state. Fearing its demographic and Jewish character, it became in Israel’s interest to create a Palestinian state. The United States acknowledged belatedly that solving the Arab— Israeli conflict is a national American interest.

For the purpose of accelerating and facilitating the process of peacemaking and the creation of the Palestinian state, and among other important measures, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced Wednesday the appointment of Gen. James Jones, a NATO supreme allied commander in Europe until 2006, to be the new security coordinator in the occupied Palestinian territories. In this capacity, Jones will determine whether Israel and the Palestinian sides have met their commitments in accordance with the “road map”, and will draw up security plans for enabling and empowering Palestinian forces to take effective control in Palestinian cities and other areas Israel evacuates.

Due to the consistent and persistent efforts of Abbas’ authority and the hard work of his government headed by Salam Fayyad, Palestinian security forces are asserting themselves and enforcing the principles of one law, one authority and one gun in each and every Palestinian area they are capable of reaching.

The rule of law is spreading, and the people in the West Bank are feeling the difference.

As for Gaza and Hamas rule there, Israel must realize that the war of attrition it is waging against both Gaza’s people and land will not succeed. The daily killing and bombardment taking place there will not remove Hamas from power; on the contrary, it will harden many, and will embolden others. As it is, Hamas is being squeezed and abandoned by many of its supporters in Gaza, and in the region, losing any visible support.

By attending the Annapolis conference and canceling a Hamas-sponsored gathering rejecting Annapolis, Syria is sending signals distancing itself from Hamas. Gaza, due to Hamas’ miscalculations, is in very bad shape, Israel’s tight siege on Gaza has destroyed its economy, and its people, the majority of whom are young children, and the elderly, are enduring extreme hardships. All the while, apart from noisy rhetoric, Hamas is not able to do much for itself or for the people. It is certain that Hamas’ era in Gaza will soon be over because the people of Gaza will not tolerate it any longer.

As such, Hamas, in my opinion has no choice but to reassess its position, and for once place the interests of the Palestinian people ahead of its own.

Hamas is urged to think it over, accept President Abbas’ terms to return to the fold, apologize to the people, and reverse the coup with all its ramifications where possible. Gaza then will assume its natural role as an integral part of the Palestinian national entity and will play its indispensable role in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Arab East Jerusalem as its capital.

— Walid M. Awad works for Central Media Commission in Ramallah, Palestine. E-mail at: [email protected]

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