God’s different books

Commentary by Syed Qutb
Publication Date: 
Fri, 2008-08-15 03:00

In the Name of God, the Lord of Grace, the Ever Merciful

Are you not aware that God sends down water from the skies, with which We bring forth fruits of different colors? In the mountains there are streaks of white and red of various shades, as well as others jet-black.

Similarly, human beings, beasts and cattle have various colors. It is those who are endowed with knowledge that stand truly in awe of God. Indeed God is Almighty, Much-Forgiving.

Those who recite God’s book, attend regularly to prayer, and give in charity, secretly and openly, from what We have provided for them, look forward to a bargain that can never fail, for He will grant them their just rewards, and give them yet more out of His bounty. He is indeed Much-Forgiving, most thankful. The book that We have revealed to you is the truth confirming previous scriptures. Of His servants God is well-aware, all-seeing.

(The Originator, Fatir, 35: 27-31)

As we commented on the first two Verses of this passage last week, we concluded with saying that they portray the universe as a splendidly colorful book and that the Qur’an opens this book and looks through it. It then says that scholars who read, appreciate and comprehend this book are the ones who have a true God-fearing sense: “It is those who are endowed with knowledge that stand truly in awe of God.” The universe is a superb book of which the Surah has shown but a few pages. It takes a good measure of knowledge to appreciate this wonderful book and to get to truly know God through His creation and power. People who do so realize the measure of His greatness by appreciating His work. Therefore, they are truly God-fearing, and they worship Him in true submission. This is not the result of a mysterious feeling that we sometimes experience when we look at a splendid natural scene; rather, it is the product of true and direct knowledge. The pages of this universal book that the Surah has shown are only a sample. The great diversity of color it has mentioned serves only as an indicator of the great variety and meticulous harmony available everywhere in the universe. It can, however, only be appreciated by people endowed with knowledge and by those who feel the value of their knowledge deep in their hearts, and who do not leave it in a cold, dry academic corner.

The aesthetic element is intentionally added into the design of the universe. Its beauty, however, is raised to perfection by the fact that different things discharge their functions through that very beauty. The splendid colors of flowers, along with their scents, attract bees and butterflies which, as far as the flower is concerned, are the means of inoculation, so as to ensure fruition. Thus the flower completes its own function through its very beauty. In sex, beauty is the main attraction which leads to the couple fulfilling their task of reproduction. Because beauty is intended, the Qur’an draws our attentions to it in these various ways.

“Indeed God is Almighty, Much-Forgiving.” He is certainly able to create all sorts of fine and beautiful creatures, as also to requite people for their actions. At the same time, He forgives much, overlooking the mistakes of those who fall short of appreciating His beautiful work.

Having looked at these pages of the book of the universe, the Surah turns to the revealed book and those who recite it, their hopes and expected rewards: “Those who recite God’s book, attend regularly to prayer, and give in charity, secretly and openly, from what We have provided for them, look forward to a bargain that can never fail, for He will grant them their just rewards, and give them yet more out of His bounty. He is indeed Much-Forgiving, most thankful.”

Reciting God’s book means something other than going through its words, vocalizing them or not; it means reading with reflection that leads to understanding, action and behavior. This also entails attending regularly to prayer, giving secretly and openly in charity, as well as entertaining the hope that what is so offered will never be a failed bargain. Those who do all this know that what God has in store is far more valuable than what they give away. As they give only for God’s sake, dealing with Him directly, their bargain is especially profitable. Ultimately, they will receive their reward in full, coupled with an increase of God’s bounty. For, “He is indeed Much-Forgiving, most thankful.” He forgives short falls and appreciates good action. His being thankful refers to what is normally associated with gratitude for pleasure and fine reward. Yet the Verse inspires us to be grateful to Him who bestows His favors on us. If He appreciates what His servants do and thanks them for it, should they not then show their gratitude for all He gives them?

This is followed by a reference to the nature of God’s revealed book and the truth it contains, as a prelude to speaking about those who are the heirs to this book: “The book that We have revealed to you is the truth confirming previous scriptures. Of His servants God is well-aware, all-seeing.”

The evidence of the truth in this book is clear in its makeup. The Qur’an is an accurate translation of the universe in its true nature, or we can say that it is the spoken page while the universe is the silent page. Moreover, it confirms the books revealed earlier from the same source. The truth is one; it cannot be multiple. The One Who revealed it to mankind knows them well, knows what suits them and improves their lot: “Of His servants God is well-aware, all-seeing.”

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