Campaign to motivate youths for charity work

Laura Bashraheel I Arab News
Publication Date: 
Thu, 2008-09-11 03:00

JEDDAH: The television host of a highly successful Islamic program has launched a campaign to get one million Arab youths to volunteer for charity work in Ramadan.

The campaign, Feena Al-Khair — Goodness in Us — is the brainchild of Ahmed Al-Shugairi, host of MBC’s Khawatir (Thoughts) program. The campaign, which is being sponsored by Al-Fozan Social Foundation, began on Ramadan 1st and is being advertised on Al-Shugairi’s website

“Feena Al-Khair” believes that inside every human heart there is a seed of goodness that wishes to surface but lacks encouragement and motivation to do so. The campaign aims to encourage young people to undertake charity work through awareness and guidance.

Those intending to participate in the campaign can do so by clicking on the Feena Al-Khair campaign logo on Al-Shugairi’s website. They can then select their country of residence and the type of charity work they wish to do.

“We have on our website a database of charities in 19 countries,” said Al-Shugairi. “Whoever wants to volunteer or contribute to a specific charity, he or she can contact that organization via the site,” he added. “For example, if someone from Syria wants to volunteer, he or she can click on Syria and check what type of charity work is available.”

He added that the campaign is being advertised through flyers distributed in shopping malls and high street stores.

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