There is a way to turn back the hands of time and it’s simple and cheap! Drink more water for just one week and you will see tremendous benefits, not only in how you look and feel but even more importantly you will improve your long-term health.
Water plays a vital role in nearly every bodily function
The body is comprised of over 70 percent water and this ratio must be maintained for good health. Water regulates your body’s temperature. Our health and well being are dependent on keeping body temperature within a very narrow range. This is very important when living in a hot climate, as it is very important to stay cool.
The tough desert climate in the Gulf has a very dehydrating effect on the body both inside and out and this can be very ageing for the skin. A good nutritionist can tell if someone is drinking enough water just by looking at the elasticity of his or her skin.
Recent research shows that at any one time 75 percent of people are chronically dehydrated and lack of water is the number one trigger for daytime fatigue. You can also check your urine as a guide to your hydration it should be pale yellow and odorless. Only water can properly re-hydrate the body. Soft drinks and alcohol are diuretics and can actually make you more dehydrated.
Wise up on water for cancer prevention
Three studies in which the effect of water was considered found that people who maintained good levels of hydration had a reduced risk of large bowel cancer compared with people whose water intake was low. Good hydration can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 33 percent for pre-menopausal women and 79 percent for post-menopausal women. Keeping the body hydrated also makes one less likely to develop prostate and bladder cancer.
Water and joint pain
Preliminary research indicates that drinking 10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for 80 percent of suffers.
Water and weight loss
Drinking a glass of water fills you up and best of all it contains absolutely zero calories. People who feel tired in hot weather are often dehydrated and even mild dehydration will slow down the metabolism by as much as 3 percent. When people feel tired they often reach for a snack to boost their flagging energy levels but what their body is really asking for is a glass of water. The high sugar content of soft drinks has been identified as one of the factors involved in childhood obesity. Replacing soft drinks in the diet with water (which has no calories) can help with weight control and provide essential nutrients.
Water is the best natural beauty treatment
It’s true. Water will do wonders for your looks! It flushes out impurities in your skin, leaving you with a clear, glowing complexion. It is the best and cheapest anti-ageing treatment ever!
Recipe of the week
(My recipes are intended provide healthy meals for the whole family to enjoy)
Mexican refried beans in pita bread
(Serves 1)
100g of tinned El Paso Refried Beans
Handful of shredded iceberg lettuce
1 tablespoon chopped coriander
1/2 lime
1 White pita bread
Warm through the Refried beans in a saucepan and put the pita in the oven to warm through. Split pita and stuff with shredded lettuce.
Ask Alva
I have heard a lot about Coenzyme Q10 — can you tell me if it is good for gum disease? — Frank
If you have gum disease then I would first recommend that you go and see a dentist. However it has been found that taking 60 mg per day Coenzyme Q10 over a period of 8 weeks shows a marked improvement in unhealthy gums. — Alva