The proposed plan commits both sides to work on a peace deal after a new government is elected to ensure talks will not be derailed after President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo leaves office in June, said Othman Abdul Razak, the facilitator for the Malaysia-hosted talks in Kuala Lumpur.
The Moro Islamic Liberation Front proposed setting up task forces to cement cooperation on issues such as constitutional legislation, financing and infrastructure, Othman said.
The 11,000-strong separatist group has been fighting for self rule in the Mindanao region for decades. More than 120,000 people have died in repeated clashes with government troops, and the conflict has held back economic progress in some of the Philippines' poorest regions.
The Philippine government negotiators had “very positive” responses to the separatist group's proposals and would consult Manila before making a decision, Othman said.
“There is some optimism that we can have an interim agreement before President Arroyo leaves office,” he said.
“It is not a comprehensive deal, but it is better than nothing. This is important for the process of building trust and preserving gains.” Officials have said a comprehensive peace deal is no longer possible under the current government given the time constraint.
Government officials and the rebels resumed talks in January after years of peace negotiations broke down in 2008 when the Philippine Supreme Court declared a preliminary pact unconstitutional.
This led to clashes that killed hundreds and displaced about 750,000 people. Fighting has subsided since last July, but about 100,000 people remain displaced, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross.
A Malaysian-led peacekeeping contingent - deployed until 2007 - returned to the region last week to help prevent clashes and bolster the peace talks. The monitors will be deployed in three southern cities to prevent any conflict from escalating.
The United States and Australia have backed the talks, fearing rebel strongholds could harbor Al-Qaeda-linked militants.