'Ridiculous ruling on gender mixing'

Publication Date: 
Sat, 2010-03-20 00:21

In fact, this illiterate suggestion deserves a reaction that would make the hair of anyone with the slightest respect for the Grand Mosque stand. This suggestion is living proof of the absurd mindset and confusion of some people who have now turned from secondary subjects to more important ones.
For the first time in my life, I have come across someone who is trying to “Islamize” architecture to prevent men and women from mixing. This concept skipped the world’s greatest architects from the Greek civilization until the present day.
To separate the sexes while performing circumambulation and to build several floors to prevent the genders from mixing is an absurd and funny fatwa. It is absurd in that the extremists are now turning to architecture to express their views to prevent the mixing of everything.
A friend of mine told me that he watched a cartoon on an Islamic TV channel, which featured a fork, a spoon and a pair of scissors, which loved talking to each other. The fork advised the spoon not to speak to the scissors because he is male and she is female and it is not right for them to mix.
Such programs will consolidate in the minds of children the concept of separation between males and females, something that has reached a sick point.
From a psychological point of view, all signs of suppression that express themselves in the irresponsible actions of young men have been nurtured by fanaticism and extremism. We do not see this burning desire for women in open societies.
I quote the famous psychologist Freud who said that the excessive hiding of the body keeps the sexual lust awake. This is exactly what religious extremism is doing. It starts with women and ends with the demolishing of the Grand Mosque.
- [email protected]

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