Japanese technology to beef up SEHAI curriculum

Publication Date: 
Thu, 2010-07-29 01:46

The government will provide a series of Japan-made tools and equipment consisting of 64 different items. SEHAI’s cooperation is in addition to the efforts of JCCME and Nippon Engineering College (NEEC), which have already prepared the curriculum and textbooks, and dispatched three Japanese specialists with the support of the Japanese government.
The tools and equipment were delivered at a ceremony held in Tokyo on Monday. Salim Al-Asmarei, head of the SEHAI-Saudi Working Group, Abdullah Abdul-Kareem, managing director of Al-Essa (Hitachi’s agent), Abdulla Al-Shammari, acting Saudi ambassador in Japan, Teruhiko Mashiko, senior vice minister of economy, trade and industry (METI), Hiroshi Saito, co-chairman of the Japan-Saudi Arabia Business Council, and Iwao Okamoto, president of JCCME, were among those present.
Al-Asmarei expressed his gratitude on behalf of the SEHAI Working Group and said he was confident that the enhancement of Japanese cooperation would bring success to SEHAI like it has been doing in the case of the Saudi Japanese Automobile High Institute (SJAHI), which specializes in automobile maintenance and was established with the cooperation of the Tokyo government.
SEHAI, which opened on Sept. 26, 2009, is a technical training institute specializing in repair and maintenance works of electronics and home appliances.
Established by the Japan-Saudi Arabia Joint Task Force, it is a joint project that symbolizes the new mutually beneficial cooperative relationship between Saudi Arabia and Japan following SJAHI in Jeddah and the Higher Institute for Plastics Fabrication (HIPF) in Riyadh.
Mashiko said he was impressed by the sincere demand for human development in the Kingdom. “I hope that this cooperation will contribute to the improvement of quality of studies at SEHAI in the long term.”

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