BRJ opens a new employment center for women in Jeddah

Publication Date: 
Thu, 2010-09-02 02:26

The initiative seeks to engage with companies and organizations looking for qualified women employees and handle applications from women seeking job opportunities in the private sector.
Mohammed Abdul Latif Jameel, chief job creator at BRJ, officially launched the center in Serafi Mall.
At the inauguration ceremony, center director Rola Basamed said the initiatives aim to help fulfill the increasing demand for Saudi women employees in the private sector, taking Shariah law and Islamic traditions into consideration.
Basamed added that the BRJ team at the center consists of qualified and experienced personnel.
Team members examine opportunities in private sector companies and organizations and match them with applications received from jobseekers.
According to Basamed, more than 200,000 women from all over the Kingdom are actively looking for jobs.
Jameel confirmed that the center started operations this month and has already created 240 job opportunities.
He added that the center aims to create 5,000 job opportunities next year, thanking the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF), labor offices and the Saudi Credit Bank for their support.
At the end of the ceremony, certificates of recognition were given to companies that contributed to the successful employment of Saudi citizens through BRJ Jeddah, including Jotun Factory, Saudi Brothers Company and the National Commercial Bank, among others.
Jameel announced that BRJ has successfully created almost 140,000 job opportunities since its foundation up to the end of July this year.
“Such achievements would have never been possible without the support from God, the cooperation of the HRDF, labor offices and the Saudi Credit Bank. Young men and women who applied to BRJ for job opportunities were highly successful, supported by a dedicated team of more than 400 job creators,” he said.

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