The Philippines agreed: SR 1,500 a month

The Philippines agreed: SR 1,500 a month
Updated 07 October 2012

The Philippines agreed: SR 1,500 a month

The Philippines agreed: SR 1,500 a month

The new agreement between the Saudi government and that of the Philippines, through which housekeepers are reauthorized entry visas, stated a monthly salary of SR 1,500 and four days off. Many families are surprised for the huge jump that nearly doubled the usual.
Opposite the crowd, I don’t see the case this way. I believe that the number is reasonable based on the following:
This source of house helpers is going to be sought by Saudi families with higher levels of monthly incomes. On the other side of the issue, the tone of comparison between Saudi teachers in private schools that are paid SR 1,500 a month, and the housekeeper that is going to be paid the same, is out of context.
Moreover, I believe that this gave a good proof on how some Saudis are unfairly paid. This could be of great support to the argument. We need to look back fast and correct our citizens’ situations. Other examples of Saudis unfairly paid are those who work as: Security men and women, school guardians, drivers, brokers, receptionists, porters, runners and many other types of labor. The situation of Saudis occupying such jobs has to be corrected urgently for further reasons beyond mere economic. The issue here is totally national.

— The writer is Chairman, Saudi Cartoon & Animation Society
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