Al-Birr volunteers’ efforts praised

Al-Birr volunteers’ efforts praised
Updated 27 December 2012

Al-Birr volunteers’ efforts praised

Al-Birr volunteers’ efforts praised

The Al-Birr Charity Society in Jeddah honored a number of volunteers who contributed to the success of programs and activities at Al-Fetian House last year.
The society Secretary-general, Walid Ahmed Bahamdan, expressed his thanks to all volunteers and supporters of the society's projects, adding that their participation was pivotal in the success of its activities and building a distinguished positive image of the participation of members of the community with the charitable organization.
"The society seeks to instill and spread the culture of giving through the voluntary work not only for orphans but for all sectors of the community. It works hard to attract young people as well", said Bahamdan.
Al-Birr Society is an independent body established in 1402H. Its president is Prince Khalid Al-Faisal, governor Makkah, who has worked under the umbrella of the Ministry of Social Affairs.
The society aims to provide various forms of aid — financial, social, educational, cultural — and health services as well as other activities.